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News releases

The DELTA breakthrough: the standard for embedding power management systems at IP SoC Days Grenoble

Many fabless companies compete for the attractive market of IoT, questing after the most innovative products and design flows to combine performance and power savings. While it is common to optimize the different loads (power domains), it is worth noting that a significant amount of power can be wasted in an inappropriate assembly of voltage […]

The DELTA breakthrough: the standard for embedding power management systems at IP SoC Days Grenoble Read More »

Live webinar on Power, Performance and Area optimization during SoC physical implementation

Dolphin Integration offers to discover, through a live webinar, how to get the best Power, Performance and Area out of your RTL. Learn more on the key takeaways of this webinar This live webinar will be broadcast on November 19, 2015. Why is Dolphin Integration in the best position to deliver this webinar? Dolphin Integration’s

Live webinar on Power, Performance and Area optimization during SoC physical implementation Read More »

New Capless Regulator dedicated to low-power operation required by IoT applications

Dolphin Integration is pleased to announce the launch of its ultra-low quiescent-current linear regulator dedicated to supplying Always-on power domains. The growing IoT market induces very specific “must have” features for smart and connected devices: they operate most of the time in sleep mode, during which only the always-on part of the circuit is still

New Capless Regulator dedicated to low-power operation required by IoT applications Read More »

Dolphin Integration receives TSMC’s Open Innovation Platform® 2015 Partner of the Year Award for Specialty IP

For the second year in a row, Dolphin Integration has been honored with TSMC’s Open Innovation Platform award for Specialty IPs, rewarding once again the low-power Foundation IP in specific More-than-Moore process variants developed in partnership with TSMC. TSMC selects the winners for the partner award based on customers’ feedback, the number of tape-outs and

Dolphin Integration receives TSMC’s Open Innovation Platform® 2015 Partner of the Year Award for Specialty IP Read More »

Dolphin Integration as European Foundry portal for ASIC and SoC users

The EDA-SoC project has put Dolphin Integration in the position of a full supplier for ASIC and SOC users: this R&D Program supported by the French, Italian, German and Norwegian Ministries of Defense through the European Defense Agency gathered 14 partners, major defense equipment manufacturers, technology providers, and design centers, involved from 2011 to 2015.

Dolphin Integration as European Foundry portal for ASIC and SoC users Read More »

Benefit from state-of-the-art compiler for 80251 CISC microcontrollers

Dolphin Integration announces the availability of its new SmartCC80251 compiler for its 80251 microcontrollers. Users may benefit from a free upgrade to this state-of-the-art compiler and join a truly innovative 80251 ecosystem. Low-power microcontrollers, a state-of-the-art compiler toolchain with an innovative Interactive Development Environment (IDE) guarantee the lasting growth of the i51 legacy. Key benefits

Benefit from state-of-the-art compiler for 80251 CISC microcontrollers Read More »

New performances specified for minimizing Power Regulator Capacitances

Reducing the cost of Bill-of-Material (BoM) remains SoC Integrators’ vital challenge for IoT applications, while minimizing power consumption demands the acute complexity of mode control for Dynamic Voltage and Frequency "Stepping" (DVFS). External capacitors and their associated pins are the first target for BoM reduction, up to the ultimate solution provided by capless regulators. To

New performances specified for minimizing Power Regulator Capacitances Read More »

Advanced low-power solutions will be revealed at the TSMC 2015 OIP Forum

Dolphin Integration announces its participation to the TSMC Open Innovation Platform® (OIP) Forum at the Santa Clara Convention Center, CA. During the event Gilles Depeyrot, CEO of Dolphin Integration, will present a breakthrough low-power design methodology associated with a set of standardized Virtual Components of Silicon IP enabling to optimize low power networks in a

Advanced low-power solutions will be revealed at the TSMC 2015 OIP Forum Read More »

Build an ultra low power SoC thanks to implementation-ready solutions

Relying on 30 years of experience in SoC design, Dolphin Integration has developped all the IP contributors for an ultra-low-power SoC, in partnership with TSMC, particularly relevant for IoT applications. Extreme reduction of power consumption of a whole SoC requires a power domain architecture, a truly complex task for SoC integrators. To reach this objective,

Build an ultra low power SoC thanks to implementation-ready solutions Read More »