New performances specified for minimizing Power Regulator Capacitances

Sep 21, 2015

New performances specified for minimizing Power Regulator Capacitances

Reducing the cost of Bill-of-Material (BoM) remains SoC Integrators’ vital challenge for IoT applications, while minimizing power consumption demands the acute complexity of mode control for Dynamic Voltage and Frequency "Stepping" (DVFS).
External capacitors and their associated pins are the first target for BoM reduction, up to the ultimate solution provided by capless regulators.
To avoid any risk on output voltage stability during current peaks, which may result in a performance degradation of the load, referring to the maximum current surge only (Ipeak) is insufficient. Dolphin Integration thus introduces the missing specification by launching the innovative template needed for embedding low BoM regulators, down to pinless, namely the dynamic Load Current Tolerance Template (LCT2). It enables users to improve the resulting Load Transient performance, which is the property of the regulator and of the load.
For optimizing the pairing of regulator and load, an Abacus for adapting the load capacitance with filler capacitors must be provided.

Besides this issue of load steady-state functioning, its start-up sequence must be secured beyond a mere Imax by complying with the dynamic In-rush Current Tolerance Template (ICT2).
The need of both LCT2 and ICT2 is acute:

  • to secure the efficiency of regulators beyond guess-work
  • to optimize a capless regulator for the load internal capacitance
  • to enable parallel development of loads and regulators with template budgets
  • to make good use of the needed abacus for optimizing the overall Load Transient performance.

The LCT2 is a must in the specification of any regulator, as well as the ICT2, such as specified for the iLR-LaDiable.
Overall, Dolphin Integration empowers SoC integrators to embed and to optimize the whole power network with its complete offering of regulators, compliant with the DELTA Standard.

See our complete offering of regulators

For further information on our Load Current Tolerance Template (LCT2), simply contact regulators@dolphin-ip.com

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