As the leading provider of Virtual Components for high-resolution converters, Dolphin Integration announces proven state-of-the-art Silicon IP for Fabless and SoC integrators targeting the growing Smart Grid related markets, such as Utility Billing meters or Smart plugs.
The Metro-PM-Jade-mono.05 product, featuring a complete measurement subsystem for single-phase power metering ICs, is available in main technological processes at 130 nm. Users of Metro-PM-Jade-mono.05 benefit from a high-resolution Mixed-signal Front-End (sensAFE-20×32-PM-mono.05-LB) and a dense Power and energy Computation Engine (PCE-PM.01). Furthermore, this product embeds a low drift voltage reference and a low noise voltage regulator ensuring the reduction of the Bill of Material (BoM) and the safest integration, thanks to lower supply noise constraints.
Dolphin Integration unveils the silicon measurement report in TSMC 130 BCD process for its Silicon Qualifier containing the Analog Front-End (AFE), and demonstrates the ability of Dolphin Integration to achieve high-class performances for power metering applications.
This Analog Front-End has been tested associated with a current transformer sensor and features a SNR up to 106.0 dB on the I-channel and 102.8 dB on the V-channel. Its outstanding performances enable power-metering subsystems to achieve class 0.1 performances with a range beyond 1/5,000 at the system level.
Since 1985, DOLPHIN Integration has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to develop Right-on-First-Pass Virtual Components thanks to its Virtual Fab Process™ where Silicon Qualifiers serve to validate the equivalence between simulations and measurements.
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