Pairing Sensitive RF with Voltage Regulators for Noise-Free IoT Modules
A. Lacourse

Oct 03, 2016

Pairing Sensitive RF with Voltage Regulators for Noise-Free IoT Modules
A. Lacourse

Internet of Things (IoT) applications are getting numerous, more power-stringent and smaller with every generation, requiring tighter control of power management and maximized function integration. This includes the integration within the same SoC of power-efficient voltage regulators and noise-sensitive modules (e.g. RF) that must be supplied with the appropriate level of noise immunity. This article presents the challenge of pairing an RF analog circuit with the appropriate inductor-based embedded Switching Regulator (namely eSR, equivalent to on-board DC/DC) allowing to meet both the power efficiency requirements and the module performance level at the same time.

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