FD-SOI: How Body Bias Creates Unique Differentiation

Oct 17, 2018

FD-SOI: How Body Bias Creates Unique Differentiation

Dolphin Integration has been cooperating with GF over the past two years to release the world’s first power management IP platform. This power management IP platform, now proven in 22FDX, consists in a consistent set of configurable Voltage Regulators, scalable and module Power Management Unit (a.k.a. PMU logic/ACU), Power IO and island Gating and Voltage Monitors.

To allow SoC designers to extract the full PPAC potential of FD-SOI for their SoC, GF are now exploring the extension of this power management IP platform to enable the dynamic control of power supply and body bias. This extended power management IP platform will leverage existing body biasing solutions while complementing them with application-optimized body bias generators and advanced monitoring techniques

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