COMON – The European Compact Modeling Network
Advance Programm IWCM, Jan. 25, 2011, Yokohama, Japan
W. Grabinski, B. Iniguez, J.-M. Sallese, A. Bazigos, D. Tomaszewski, M. Yakupov, G. Depeyrot
Index Terms — Compact modeling, SPICE, Verilog-A, analog/RF IC CMOS, multiple-gate MOSFET, IIIV HEMT, HV MOSFET, Monte-Carlo analysis, statistical modeling
COMON is the European FP7 Marie-Curie project “Compact Modeling Network” which brings together 15 European universities and companies in an attempt to transfer the scientific and technological knowledge from academia to industry, to strengthen local, European integrated circuit (IC) design capabilities with powerful modeling and CAD methodologies and to achieve integration of European research in fragmented R&D areas for the benefit of both young and experienced researchers. The MOS-AK/GSA Group provides compact modeling Verilog-A standardization platform as well as the international dissemination support.
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