90% Reduction in power consumption for RFID chips with Dolphin Integration’s SESAME eLC standard cell library

Oct 23, 2017

90% Reduction in power consumption for RFID chips with Dolphin Integration’s SESAME eLC standard cell library

The challenge of improving the RFID reader detection range and thus the identification rate induce that the chips must be able to operate at extremely low voltage, as the energy caught by the antenna is lowered. This challenge leads to consider every mean to reduce the RFID chips power consumption.

One of the main way to do so is to optimize the digital part of the design.

The new generation of SESAME eLC standard-cell library at 180 nm is designed to safely operate near threshold voltage, down to 0.68 V +/- 10%, to provide up to 90% of power savings at 1.3 MHz compared to the sponsored library.

Such a comparison must be based on the Motu-Uta benchmark to provide an objective metric to quickly assess the expected improvement.

Motu-Uta is downloadable on Dolphin Integration website with no need for NDA.

Power consumption of SESAME eLC at 180 nm RFID

Picture 1: SESAME eLC compared to a conventional standard-cell library (Dynamic Power Consumption versus Frequency) at 180 nm RFID process.

Discover our SESAME eLC standard cell library at 180 nm

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